Tag Archives: Holiday

Friday Bench: Charlottesville

In a week when the news from Charlottesville was vile, it’s been good to remind myself that our stay there a few weeks ago was great. Here’s the downtown area in more peaceful times complete with some tippity top pots and public planting.

Here’s hoping the better times return soon.

Friday Bench: Mosaic

Now you see him…

…Now you don’t 😉

The poster in C’Ville Arts Cooperative Gallery‘s window says (abridged and anglicised slightly):

“Seat of Harmony

Created for C’Ville Arts Artists’ Cooperative by Virginia Gardner December 2007.

The loveseat is sculpted in polystyrene. Sheets of poly were laminated together to form large blocks, which were then sculpted to form a large, comfy sofa. Several layers of fibreglass mesh and concrete were applied, over which the mosaic of mixed materials was applied.

It was designed specifically for this spot outside C’Ville Arts and is not for sale.

Artists from the cooperative contributed small personal objects which were also incorporated into the design, representing the cooperative nature of their organisation. The five elements of Feng Shui (Water, Fire, Earth, Wood and Metal) have been defined symbolically and form the basis of the design. Feng Shui can be described as the natural path with the least resistance. The practice of Feng Shui is about creating harmony within our environment.

The Hole in the centre is provided for drainage. I would appreciate it if you do not place objects in the hole. It’s a pain cleaning it out. Thank you.”

Visitors are encouraged to take photos and send them to the gallery. Sadly the website address given on the sign no longer appears to exist. I’ll be sending this blog post to them by other means 🙂